Arm Liposuction for Women

Arm liposuction For Women is a surgical procedure that is specifically designed to remove excess fat from the upper arms.

Arm Liposuction For Women​

Bewerly Hills is a board certified plastic surgery hospital in United Arab Emirates. We are three-time winner of Best of Plastic Surgery Award in the cosmetic surgeons category.

Arm Liposuction For Women​ In Abu Dhabi

Arm Liposuction for Women, also referred to as brachioplasty, is a specialized surgical procedure designed to eliminate excess fat from the upper arms. This procedure targets individuals with stubborn upper arm fat that persists despite diet and exercise efforts. Typically conducted under local anesthesia or intravenous sedation, arm liposuction requires several hours for completion. The process involves creating small incisions in the skin through which a cannula is inserted to suction out surplus fat. Recovery from arm liposuction may span several weeks, underscoring the importance of adhering to your surgeon’s post-operative instructions for optimal results.

Transformative Arm Liposuction For Women​

Are you looking to bid farewell to unwanted arm fat and embrace a more defined silhouette? Our arm liposuction, is the answer. Designed specifically for women, our procedures are tailored to address the unique concerns and goals of our female clients.

Key Benefits of Our Arm Liposuction:

  • Precision Sculpting: Our surgeons employ state-of-the-art liposculpture techniques to precisely target and remove excess fat from the arms, ensuring a natural and aesthetically pleasing result.

  • Feminine Contouring: We understand that women have unique aesthetic preferences. Our approach to arm liposuction emphasizes creating a feminine and graceful arm contour that complements your overall appearance.

  • Minimally Invasive Options: Explore non-surgical arm fat reduction alternatives that provide effective results with minimal downtime. Discover the possibilities of achieving slimmer arms without surgery.

Aftercare & Recovery

Immediate Post-Procedure Care:

  • Monitoring and Discharge:
    After your arm liposuction procedure, our attentive medical team will closely monitor your condition. Once you are cleared by our medical professionals, you will receive comprehensive discharge instructions.
  • Compression Garments:
    Wearing compression garments is essential to minimize swelling and support the healing process. These garments provide gentle pressure on the treated areas, aiding in contouring and reducing postoperative discomfort.
  • Rest and Hydration:
    Ensure you get plenty of rest during the initial days following the procedure. Hydration is also crucial for the healing process, so drink ample water to aid in flushing out toxins and promoting recovery.
  • Weeks 1-2: Early Recovery Phase

Follow-Up Appointments:

  • Attend scheduled follow-up appointments with our medical team. These appointments allow us to assess your progress, address any concerns, and provide guidance on the next steps in your recovery journey.
  • Gentle Movement and Activity:
    While rest is vital, gentle movement and light activities such as short walks can help prevent stiffness and promote circulation. Avoid strenuous exercises during this phase.
  • Medication and Pain Management:
    Follow your prescribed medication regimen for pain management and to prevent infection. Our medical team will provide detailed instructions on medication usage.

Weeks 3-6: Continued Healing

  • Gradual Return to Normal Activities:
    As your body continues to heal, you can gradually resume normal daily activities. However, refrain from engaging in intense exercises or heavy lifting until your surgeon gives the green light.
  • Scar Care:
    If incisions were made during your procedure, follow specific scar care instructions provided by our medical team. This may include the application of recommended ointments and avoiding direct sunlight exposure to the incision sites.

Real Transformations, Real Stories

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Arm liposuction primarily focuses on removing excess fat from the arms, providing a more sculpted appearance. Brachioplasty, on the other hand, involves both fat removal and excess skin tightening, making it suitable for individuals with sagging skin on the upper arms.

While some initial results may be visible shortly after the procedure, final results typically become apparent after the swelling subsides. Most patients experience the full benefits of arm liposuction within a few months.

Yes, arm liposuction for women​ permanently removes fat cells from the treated areas. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, is essential to prevent new fat accumulation in other areas.

Recovery times vary, but many individuals can return to light activities within a few days. Strenuous exercises and heavy lifting may need to be avoided for a few weeks. The exact timeline will be discussed during your postoperative appointments.