Back Liposuction For Men

Back liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of excess fat from the back using a hollow stainless steel tube known as a cannula. This cannula is inserted through a small incision in the skin and is utilized to suction out the surplus fat.

Back liposuction for men

Bewerly Hills is a board certified plastic surgery hospital in United Arab Emirates. We are three-time winner of Best of Plastic Surgery Award in the cosmetic surgeons category.

Back Liposuction for Men In Abu Dhabi

Back liposuction for men, also referred to as posterior liposuction, is a specialized procedure aimed at eliminating excess fat from the back area. This technique is applicable to both men and women and is commonly utilized to enhance the appearance of the back by reducing excess fat or bulges. Typically performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, back liposuction requires several hours to complete. The procedure entails creating small incisions in the skin through which a cannula is inserted to suction out surplus fat. Recovery from back liposuction may span several weeks, emphasizing the importance of adhering to your surgeon’s post-operative instructions for optimal results.

Understanding Back Liposuction for Men

Back liposuction for men is a cosmetic procedure designed to remove excess fat from the back area, helping men achieve a more defined and contoured appearance. Whether you’re struggling with stubborn love handles or excess fat on the upper or lower back, our procedures are customized to address your unique needs.

Key Benefits of Back Liposuction for Men:

  • Tailored Results: Our experienced surgeons understand the unique anatomy of the male back, delivering tailored results that enhance masculine contours.

  • Precision Liposculpture: Utilizing advanced liposculpture techniques, we target specific areas to achieve optimal results with minimal downtime.

  • Confidence Boost: Say goodbye to self-consciousness. Back liposuction empowers men to feel confident and comfortable in their bodies.

Aftercare & Recovery

Immediate Postoperative Care:

  • Postoperative Monitoring:
    After your back liposuction procedure, our skilled medical team will closely monitor your initial recovery phase. You will receive comprehensive discharge instructions to guide you through this crucial period.
  • Compression Garments:
    Wearing compression garments is essential for optimal postoperative care. These garments offer crucial support to the treated areas, reducing swelling and promoting ideal contouring. Adhere to our recommendations regarding the duration of garment usage.
  • Hydration and Nutrition:
    Maintain adequate hydration and consume a balanced diet rich in nutrients to support your body’s healing process. Proper nutrition is integral to facilitating a smooth recovery and enhancing overall outcomes.

Weeks 1-2: Early Recovery Phase

  • Follow-Up Appointments:
  • Scheduled follow-up appointments with our medical team are vital during this phase. These appointments enable us to evaluate your progress, address any concerns, and provide guidance for the subsequent steps in your recovery journey.
  • Gentle Movement and Activity:
    While rest is important, incorporating gentle movement and light activities, such as short walks, can help prevent stiffness and improve circulation. However, refrain from engaging in strenuous exercises during this initial recovery period.
  • Pain Management:
    Adhere to the prescribed pain management regimen provided by our medical team. This may involve over-the-counter medications or prescription pain relievers to ensure your comfort during the early stages of recovery.

Weeks 3-6: Continued Healing

  • Gradual Resumption of Normal Activities:
    As your body continues to heal, gradually reintroduce your normal daily activities. However, refrain from heavy lifting and strenuous exercises until clearance is provided by our team.
  • Scar Care:
    If incisions were made during the procedure, follow the specific scar care instructions provided by our medical team. Typically, this involves applying recommended ointments and avoiding direct sunlight exposure to the incision sites.

Real Transformations, Real Stories

Beverly Hills Hospital
Beverly Hills Hospital


Back liposuction for men can target various areas, including the upper and lower back, love handles, and flanks. Our surgeons customize the procedure to address your specific concerns and achieve a sculpted, contoured appearance.

While initial results may be visible shortly after the procedure, the full outcome becomes more apparent as swelling subsides. Most men experience the final results of back liposuction within a few months of the surgery.

Discomfort during back liposuction for men is manageable with prescribed pain medications. The recovery period involves wearing compression garments, avoiding strenuous activities, and gradually resuming normal activities under our guidance.

Back liposuction provides long-lasting results as it removes fat cells from the treated areas. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential to prevent new fat accumulation. Our team will provide guidance on postoperative care and lifestyle choices.